Public Meeting

Public Information Meeting to be held on 22nd July 2013

Pursuant to informal approval of a proposal made at the AGM of the Kalk Bay/St James Residents and Ratepayers Association in May 2012 to explore the possibility of establishing a Special Rates Area in Kalk Bay and St James, a steering committee of local residents conducted a perception survey in November 2012 to identify the needs and priorities of residents.

This survey indicates that the majority of residents appear to support the establishment of an SRA for their area. The steering committee has accordingly prepared a proposed business plan and budget based on the outcome of the perception survey.  An information meeting is planned to be held in the Kalk Bay Community Hall, Main Road, on 22nd July to explain the proposal to property owners in the intended SRA. Formal notice of this meeting will appear in the press during July.

Thereafter, if a majority of 60% of property owners support the proposal it will be sent the City of Council for their consideration and approval.  If this is obtained, it is planned that the SRA will become operational in July 2014.