Notice of SGM 2014


This is notice that the Kalk Bay and St James SRA NPC will hold a Special General Meeting (SGM) on the following date and time:
Date: 1 December 2014
Time: 20h00
Venue: Community Centre, Main Road, Kalk Bay

1. Registration
2. Welcome and apologies
3. Quorum to constitute meeting
4. Directors’ report on activities
5. Approval of budget 2015/2016 (available on
6. Approval of Implementation Plan 2015/2016 (available on )
7. Appointment of Auditors
8. Election of Directors (nomination form available on )
9. General

Please note that:
• All members of the public are welcome to attend, but only registered members of the Company will be entitled to vote on resolutions presented at the SGM. Membership of the Company is free of charge to all rateable property owners in the SRA but members must be registered before 20 November 2014 to enable them to vote at the SGM. Membership application forms have be sent out by e-mail and Post Office delivery. An application form is also available on the Company’s website or at the Company’s office.
• In the event that a property owner is unable to attend the SGM, kindly complete the proxy form available on or at the SRA office which needs to be completed and returned to the SRA, either as an attachment to an e-mail or by delivery to the SRA office, no later than 24 hours before the SGM. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. Members and proxies will be required to provide satisfactory identification to verify their right to vote at the meeting.
Kindly confirm your attendance with the Manager by phone or e-mail by no later than 20 November for seating and catering purposes.

Not for Profit Company in terms of the 2008 Companies Act. Registration Number 2014/187375/08
Directors: KA McClarty, A Trimmel, KF Leinberger, AF Stafford, AD Paige, JA Russell, EB Stephen